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Miscellaneous: Video Abstract: R-veil in carcinoma vulva
This article was originally published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Vulvar cancer accounts for about 3-5% of gynaecologic malignancies. Prognosis is strongly dependent on presence of inguinofemoral lymph node metastases. Effective management of regional lymph nodes is the most important factor in the curative management of early vulvar cancer. Despite careful dissection and maintaining vascularity of skin, surgical morbidity is seen in 50% cases. Video – endoscopic inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy was developed by Bishoff in 2003 by dissecting two cadaveric models and in one patient with stage T3N1M0 penile carcinoma. VEIL is an alternative to reduce the morbidity without compromising the oncologic outcomes. VEIL has continued to evolve into single site and robotic variants. R-VEIL is a minimally invasive procedure duplicating the standard open procedure with less morbidity.
Aims and Objectives:
A video presentation to describe the technique of R-VEIL in vulvar cancer and discuss the advantages and outcome.
R–VEIL is an attractive minimally invasive technique to do inguinal block dissection in a single sitting in patients with vulvar carcinoma as the surgeon does not get tired as happens in VEIL technique. R-VEIL allows the removal of inguinal lymph nodes within the same limits as in open procedure and potentially reduces surgical morbidity. It is better accepted cosmetically and reduces hospital stay. Long term oncological results are not available. Randomized multi-institutional studies are required to prove its efficacy over open counterpart.